여행/2012 동유럽2012. 7. 15. 23:20


이번 여행에서 제일 재미있었던 곳은 마트였다.

각 도시마다 두세개의 마트 브랜드가 경쟁하고 있었는데

그래도 유럽 전체적으로는  TESCO나 슈파(SPAR)가 가장 많았다.

그 외에도 Billa, Albert 등이 있었다.

유럽의 식당에서 요리를 먹는 것도 좋지만

현지 사람들이 항상 먹는 요거트나 우유, 빵이나 샌드위치 등을 저렴하게 맛볼 수 있는 마트에서 식사를 해결하는 것도

재미있는 경험이었다.


 The most interesting place in this trip was the supermarket.

2 or 2 brands of supermarkets are competing each cities.

But Tesco and Spar was the most common brands.

Eating something local people usually eat is as good as eating in restaurant.


 The enterance view of tesco in prague

They have many kinds of cheese


Instant hams

I 've never known there were so many kinds of hams in the world.

 I don't know what these are. kind of sauce?

Look tasty. 

순대처럼 생긴 햄 

햄바나나(0_0) Look like bunch of bananas 

 Some canned food

 Fish goods


 Salted fish? I am not sure. I wanted to try that but that was quite expensive as you see. It costs over 10 dollars.


 Materials for pasta and pizza

 Some canned food

Salted fish. I think they don't eat these in raw.

Real scale patterns!



 Yogurts! <3

 AKCE : means 'event' (체코어로 '이벤트')

NOVE : means 'new' ('신제품')

 요고벨라 과일맛 ㅎㅎ

MÜSLI means 'Cereal'



A big jogobella

A combinationed good - cereal and yogurt


I don't know. ham spread?


Mozart chocolate. That was in everywhere, every country i visited.

Jellys. yay!!

Haribo is the best. Haribo is the original. That's German's.




They sell sandwiches. Too big to eat by my self.





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Posted by 물개꾸엉